The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA) requires that post-secondary institutions participating in federal student aid programs make certain disclosures to enrolled and prospective students, parents, employees and the public. 以下信息是根据联邦法律向您披露的. For additional information, including requesting a paper copy of any materials, 请致电或发电子邮件给相应的办公室或访问指定的网站.

Information concerning Tabor College’s Title IX policies can be found below or by contacting one of the following designated officials:
Dr. Frank Johnson, Title IX Coordinator
Prof. Jim Paulus, Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Dr. Karol Hunt, Deputy Title IX Coordinator

Tabor College Notice of Non-Discrimination                          

Tabor College Sexual Harassment and Title IX Policy



Contact: Office of Academic Affairs


Phone: (620) 947-3121 ext. 1044

有关泰伯学院的机构和专业认证的信息可在 Academic Catalog. 泰伯学院拥有高等教育委员会的认证. 此外,泰伯学院的教育、音乐和社会工作项目也得到了认可 accreditation through program-specific organizations.

Academic Programs and Institutional Information

Contact: Registrar


Phone: (620) 947-3121 ext. 1045

Information concerning Tabor College educational programs and course descriptions is available through the previous link and also in the Academic Catalog. The catalog also includes a listing of current faculty. Information about campus facilities is available through the campus map. For general information about Tabor College, please visit the Academic Catalog.

Federal regulations require Tabor College to establish Satisfactory Academic Progress standards for student financial aid recipients. 阅读泰伯学院中国赌博平台学业进展满意的声明, see page 33 (Traditional Undergraduate), page 222 (Online Undergraduate) or page 278 of the Academic Catalog. 要对暂停经济资助提出上诉,请下载并填写 Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Form.

Clery Report: Crime Statistics, Campus Security Policies, Crime Log, and Fire Log; Drug/Alcohol Policy; and Missing Student Policy and Notification Procedures

Contact: Prof. Jim Paulus


Phone: (620) 947-3121 ext. 1066

Emergency Phone: 911


The Tabor College Substance Abuse Policy is distributed annually to all employees and students and is available in policies 4.1 and 4.2 of the Tabor College Policy Manual.

College Navigator

College Navigator is a free consumer information tool designed to help students, parents, high school counselors and others obtain information about U.S. post-secondary institutions. 输入Tabor College作为“学校名称”查看相关的College Navigator信息.

College Non-Discrimination and Title IX Summary

In compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972, Tabor College does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, gender, religion, disability, 在其教育政策的管理中具有民族或种族血统, federal, state, and institutional financial aid policies, scholarships programs, loan programs, athletic programs, 入学标准或任何其他大学管理的课程.

Effective January 8, 2015, the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR) granted Tabor College a religious exemption to select portions of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 pertaining to gender identity. Specifically, because of the organization’s controlling religious tenets (being owned by the Mennonite Brethren Conference of Churches of the Central District Conference, the Southern District Conference, 拉丁美洲地区年会及北卡罗莱纳地区年会), the College is exempt from provisions 34 C.F.R. §106.32 (governing housing), 106.33(管理类似的设施,如洗手间和更衣室)和106.41 (governing athletics).

For complete policy statements, refer to Tabor’s Notice of Non-Discrimination and Title IX Policy.

Complaint/Grievance Procedures

ADA Grievance Procedure
Students wishing to file a grievance concerning academic accommodation and appeal (if accommodation has been denied) can fill out the following form and submit it to the EVP of Academics and Compliance. For more information about Disability Services, see Student Success.

Academic Disability Services Grievance Form

Student Complaint and Grievance Procedure
Students with complaints about a curricular program, co-curricular program or financial aid are able to seek resolution through either the Dean of Student Life at (620) 947-3121 ext. 1031 or the Provost at (620) 947-3121 ext. 1044.

State of Kansas Complaint Procedures
学校是否不能解决学生的投诉, the student has the right to contact the state of Kansas and its appropriate agency to determine the course of action. 可以向堪萨斯州的以下机构提出投诉:

  • Complaints related to the application of state laws or rules related to approval to operate or licensure of a particular professional program within a post-secondary institution shall be referred to the appropriate State Board (e.g., State Boards of Health, State Board of Education, 等)在堪萨斯州政府内,并应由该许可委员会审查和处理( and then search for the appropriate division).
  • Complaints related to state consumer protection laws (e.g., laws related to fraud or false advertising) shall be referred to the Consumer Protection Division in the office of the Kansas Attorney General and shall be reviewed and handled by that Unit (
  • Unresolved student concerns regarding programs authorized through SARA should be directed to the state portal agency at

Higher Learning Commission (HLC)
中国赌博平台不遵守认证标准的指控, policies and procedures may be made to HLC, 230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500, Chicago, IL 60604. (本署的投诉政策、程序及投诉表格可浏览本署网页:

Tabor College Assessment Documentation, Summer 2023

Confidentiality of Student Records (FERPA)

Contact: Registrar


Phone: (620) 947-3121 ext. 1045

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. Tabor College publishes FERPA Notification of Rights and FERPA Directory Information that delineate student rights under FERPA. 此外,泰伯学院中国赌博平台学生档案保密的信息在 Academic Catalog. 《大陆博彩平台》包括我们中国赌博平台披露请求的政策, Consent not Required and Subpoenas.

Contact Information

The contact information list provides connections to the most common offices. 如果您试图联系的办公室不在列表中,请致电 (620) 947-3121 to reach Tabor’s switchboard.


Contact: IT


Phone: (620) 947-3121 ext. 1011

Copyright and Fair Use Guidelines

Cost of Attendance

Contact: Student Financial Aid


Phone: (620) 947-3121 ext. 1729

有关参加泰伯学院的估计费用的信息 residential campus or online programs is available from the Office of Student Financial Aid for a program in which the student is enrolled or expresses an interest. An estimated total for these complete costs for prospective and enrolled students for either location is available from the Office of Student Financial Aid using a mock full-time and part-time student who lives within 100 miles of campus.

Disbursement for Books and Supplies

Books are not included in online tuition. 欢迎学生从他们的首选供应商购买他们的文本.

泰伯学院为住校学生免费提供所有课本. They are a direct gift from our generous donors.

Employment – Placement and Types Obtained by Graduates

May 2022 Graduates
Have job: 35.8 percent of students obtained a job by graduation
Have job in field: 83.3%的学生(毕业时找到了工作)在他们的专业领域找到了工作
Sample of positions: Accountant, Associate, Division Leader, Kindergarten Teacher, Shift Supervisor, Social Worker, Fourth Grade Teacher
Sample of employers: Academia Los Pinares, Honduras; Adams Brown, KS; BDO, CO; Brooklyn Center Early School, MN; Dutch Bros, CO; Oakley Elementary School, KS; Rally Camps, CA; Standish Management, TX; Wichita Public Schools, KS
Not looking for employment: 17.9%的学生在毕业前没有找工作



Contact: Student Financial Aid


Phone: (620) 947-3121 ext. 1729

Federal law provides that a student who has been convicted of an offense under any federal or state law involving the possession or sale of a controlled substance during a period of enrollment for which the student was receiving financial aid shall not be eligible to receive any federal or institutional grant, loan, or work assistance. 有一个单独的,中国赌博平台毒品违法处罚的书面通知.

Financial Aid

Contact: Student Financial Aid


Phone: (620) 947-3121 ext. 1729

Tabor学院网站提供经济援助信息(Hillsboro campus or Graduate and Online),包括以下信息:基于需求和非基于需求的联邦, state, local, private, and institutional financial assistance programs available to students; eligibility requirements and procedures for applying for aid; criteria for selecting recipients and determining amount of award; methods and frequency of disbursements of aid; financial aid terms and conditions, including terms applicable to employment provided as part of a financial aid package; rights and responsibilities of students receiving Title IV, HEA loans; the availability of financial aid for study abroad programs; how financial aid is handled when students withdraw; and whom to contact for questions regarding financial aid; the terms and conditions of federal student loans; entrance and exit counseling information; and drug violation penalties. 还列出了中国赌博平台员工的第四项贷款行为准则. Students may use the net price calculator to find estimates.


May 2017 Graduates
Going directly to graduate school: 24 percent
Sample graduate schools: University of Southern California, California Polytechnic State University, Rockhurst University, Tabor College, University of Texas at Tyler
Considering Graduate School: 27 percent

May 2018 Graduates
Going directly to graduate school: 26 percent
Sample graduate schools: Kansas State University, University of Kansas Medical School, Tabor College, Rockhurst University, Baker University, Arkansas State University, East 15 Acting School, University of Notre Dame
Sample programs: MA in Teaching, M.D.,工商管理硕士,职业治疗,体育管理,体育行政,表演艺术硕士,博士.D.
Considering Graduate School: 28 percent


Graduation and Retention Rates (Student Right-to-Know Act)

Contact: Assistant Registrar


Phone: (620) 947-3121 ext. 1045

Graduation and Retention Info for All Students (Tabor College Hillsboro)

Graduation Rates for Student Athletes (Tabor College Hillsboro)

Graduation Rates & Percentages by Year (six-year rate)

Graduation Rates (Tabor College Hillsboro) 2007-2017

Select MBA Grad Rates (Tabor College Online) 2010-2017


Contact: Athletics


Phone: (620) 947-3121 ext. 1630

In compliance with the Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act, 体育部发布了塔博尔学院男女运动项目的信息. The EADA 报告包括每个团队按性别划分的参与者人数, operating and recruiting expenses, coaches’ salaries, revenues, and athletically related student aid.

Private Lending

学生可以利用私人学生贷款,并可以通过FASTChoice找到私人贷款人, which can be accessed on Tabor’s Financial Aid pages (Hillsboro campus or Graduate and Online). We encourage you to research private loans and the terms of the loans carefully and to be sure to use credible banking institutions.

Professional Licensure Disclosures

Tabor College has two programs that qualify program completers for professional licensure in their respective fields: Social Work and Teacher Education. The institution has not made a determination if the curriculum meets the education requirements for licensure in any U.S. state or territory other than Kansas.

For a national listing of licensure directories, please see the following resource, courtesy of NC-SARA: (Source:

Prof. Lisa Moore教师教育和研究生教育项目主任,
Prof. Serena Hanson, Director of the Social Work Program, or
Dr. Frank Johnson, Provost


Contact: Student Financial Aid


Phone: (620) 947-3121 ext. 1729

If a student completely withdraws from all courses, 泰伯学院将遵守其退款政策 Financial Information Booklet (其中包括归还第四章、高等教育学院助学金或贷款援助的要求). By accepting Tabor College institutional money, 学生同意在学生生活中保持良好的信誉,并遵守学院的政策. If a student is dismissed for any reason, 泰伯学院将遵守与联邦援助政策相同的程序.

Services for Students with Disabilities

Contact: Academic Support Coordinator


Phone: (620) 947-3121 ext. 1223

The Student Success Office provides services for students with disabilities.

Shopping Sheet

The Financial Aid Shopping Sheet is a consumer tool that Tabor College will use to notify military students about their financial aid package. It is a standardized form that is designed to simplify the information that prospective students receive about costs and financial aid so that they can easily compare institutions and make informed decisions about where to attend school. More information can be found at financial aid shopping sheet section of the US Department of Education site.

Student Body Diversity

Contact: Assistant Registrar


Phone: (620) 947-3121 ext. 1045

Student Body Diversity Report

Textbook Information/Required Course Materials

Contact: Tabor College Bookstore


Phone: (620) 947-3121 ext. 1351

教材信息可直接从塔博尔学院书店获得 JayShop.

Transfer of Credit and Articulation Agreements

Contact: Registrar


Phone: (620) 947-3121 ext. 1045

Transfer credit policies 和衔接协议可在泰伯学院获得 website and in the Academic Catalog. To obtain a copy of accreditation, approval, or licensing information, please contact Academic Affairs.

Vaccination Policies

Contact: Student Life


Phone: (620) 947-3121 ext. 1033

塔博尔学院遵循疾病控制和预防中心对免疫接种的建议. 接种疫苗的具体要求在强制性规定中公布 medical form required of all residential students.

Voter Registration

有关在地方、州和联邦选举中投票的信息,包括一份 Kansas voter registration application form 可以在堪萨斯州州务卿办公室的网站上访问. 非居民学生可以通过网站找到他们所在州的选民信息 U.S. Election Assistance Commission.